The CIGNA building is now a showcase property for CIGNA and CMC - Commercial Realty Group. It represents a major source of continuity and potential growth for the community as well Denison is a small city of 24,000 citizens. CIGNA's operations of two hundred or more employees represented a significant source of employment for the community and it was important to the city that they kept the company - and all those jobs. With the completion of this building the jobs remained in Denison and the company has the physical space to add more jobs as their business allows.
The new building has long-term, positive ramifications for the city of Denison as well. The CIGNA building is located in a previously undeveloped area. Now, with the roads and utilities provided to this area it is more economically feasible to develop surrounding properties and grow this real estate. The city has a more legitimate opportunity to bring in additional businesses and tap into real estate that previously delivered no revenues whatsoever.